Beers Of The Beano - Saturday 17 February 2024
It’s back to Portishead, this time the journey down is a little lighter and the Port Bar has reopened. A weekend of Fine Ales (mostly) and improving my Untappd stats. Maybe the odd Premier Inn Full English as well. This is what Beanoing is all about.
Anyway as it was an early start, it was Spoons first - The Posset Cup.
The Posset Cup - Portishead
I was hoping for something a little more local.
Not best to start on 5.5% ABV
The review
Gower Power - Gower Brewery - 5.5% ABV. B+ and a bit, big and malty, fruity and a hint of sweetness. The alcohol is certainly there in the finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. In Portishead for #mb02 and the only real guest ale is from Wales. Never mind it’s a tidy brew and the sun has come out.
Moving on to the Port Bar
Difficult to get in focus
The review
Moses Juice - Portishead Brewing - 3.8% ABV. B+ and a bit, fruity, malty sweet with a little tingle on the tongue. Nice one #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. The Port Bar, Portishead which is also a Brewery, Coffee and cafe / restaurant. There’s a with Arbor too.
Always buy a T-shirt
The review
Enigma - Portishead - 5.0% ABV. B+ and a bit, big pleasing fruity malty base with a lingering slightly fruity bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. They have some really good Fine Ales at The Port Bar, Portishead but they have mostly run out of XL T-shirts. Twas ever thus #mb02
The Final Beer Destination, The Siren’s Calling
Difficult lighting conditions
The review
Piney Sleight - Cheddar Ales - 4.0% ABV. B+ and a bit, big malty, slightly fruity and gently bitter with a lingering bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. Not busy and very pleasant. Cask, Keg, Bottles and Cans with a Chippy nextdoor. And I’m still the Mayor.
On to Keg
The review
Free Thinker - Good Chemistry - 4.5% ABV. B+ and a bit, hazy, grapefruit, hoppy with a hint of spice. Gluten free too #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. Of course, when in Bristol, even very North Bristol, drink Bristol Fine Ales. Need to go back to the Centre #mb02
Drinking LocAle
The review
Rollercoaster Photos - Left Handed Giant - 6.5% ABV. B+ and a bit, hazy, sweet fruitiness and a gentle bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. More when in Bristol, this time in a can. More evidence that I need to spend some quality time in Central Bristol #mb02
And that’s it for Day 01