Beers Of The Beano - Saturday 04 January 2025
With an Amber Snow and Ice warning for later in the day, the plan is to stay close to home, Caerphilly infact. The Wethgerspoons January sale is in full flow and I have lots of CAMRA money off vouchers to use before the end of February. Looking forward to a warm and gently boozy January Saturday.
The Malcolm Uphill, post all you can drink Coffee at 99p. There was this Fine Ale, which I think was fresh on and benefitted from the deployment of a CAMRA money off voucher.
The Review
Hocus Pocus - Loddon - 4.6% ABV. B+ and a bit, well balanced malt forward Winter Ale. Hint of fruit and a lingering bitter finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. Early start with an Amber Snow and Ice warning for most of Wales from 18:00. Spoons January Sale now on.
Needing a different style glass
T Style
Mostly Punk. Mostly unfashionable.
Lunch with a can of Tenby. Even in bleak Mid Winter.
Second week in a row
So I saw Mr and Mrs Stompie and of course Chiefy Page had not mentioned anything about a week on Sunday. All sorted now. Popped down The Project and it was closed. Boak and Bailey and Oldmudgie posts apply. Dissappoiunting. Caught the A bus home.